Double Trouble??

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 64-Unpredictable

Anyone who follows the stock market knows that attempting to "time" the market is a very difficult endeavor. And yet, so many people try....

Billions of dollars go into "market research" every year-Market timing newsletters, blogs, stock trading sites, professional money managers etc etc....Despite the billions spent, all the technical and fundamental analysis done, and all the time invested.....It remains almost impossible to know what the stock market is going to do tomorrow. Its simply too unpredictable.

The same is true true for our girls down at the NICU....This weeks report is so crazy, no one could have predicted it....Ashlyn is now the rock star and Hanna is having issues. You just never know what tommorrow will bring.....


Weighing in now at 6lbs 2 oz......

Still having some issues....Her PDA remains a concern, but Dr Rosenberg (who is back on rotation this month) tell us that despite her weird symptoms, he still considers her asymptomatic. He seems fairly unconcerned that she is being affected by her PDA, and remains hopeful that she can either:
  1. Close the PDA on her own over the next few months
  2. Make it to 9-12 months old and around 16lbs and have the "coil" surgery done to close it
The other alternatives are:
  1. Do nothing and wait
  2. Ligation surgery, same as Ashlyn
Her symptoms are pretty unpredictable:

  1. Big desats (oxygen desaturations)....Basically she either has reflux after feeding, or stops breathing or some combinatrion therof, and her oxygen levels plummet-alarm bells ring and nurses come running into the room. It's not fun.
    Sara & Hanna
  3. Tired-She seems super tired alot, and thus does not want to try and suck on the boob or take a bottle too often. Its not inhibiting her growth, but she is not progressing on learning how to feed.

For Sara and I, its very frustrating. Hanna has done so well to this point, and is now showing some weirdness. We clearly though we were out of the woods with her, and that seems to not be the case. All we can do is wait and hope she gets it together. The hope that she was coming home in a week or so has faded to the reality that she needs more time.....on the other hand.......


Rocking it at 4lbs 14 oz.....

Ashlyn has now officially claimed "rock star" status. She is pounding down bottle feeding, sucking on the boob, and loving it.She's putting around 2 oz a day, and thriving....And get this....Today Lauren our nurse says "it looks like ASHLYN is going to go home soon, likely before Hanna."...



After all the issues she has faced, she is now looking good. Her only remaining issue, is her oxygen requirement- It is still moderate and she needs to continue to grow lung tissue....Overall, she is doing good.

Here is a video.....

1 comment:

  1. Scrappy little Ashlyn! She's definitely a little rock star. WOW.

    Wishing all the best to lil' Hanna. Hoping she gets all better soon.

    Much love from the bay

