Double Trouble??

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Peanut is Growing!

We got growth measurements for the girls last Thursday. The last time measurements were taken was about 2 weeks ago. Happy to report our little peanut went from the 2nd percentile to the 8th! Also no intermittent absent flow was seen in the doppler that day. Good news. I guess all this laying around and eating is working!! I am starting to feel pretty BIG and uncomfortable I can't believe my body can expand and stretch this much.

Speaking of eating... the hospital food is pretty YUK. There are not many options for me on the room service menu. I ordered the Deluxe Mac n Cheese which on the menu was described as creamy comfort food. I kid you not it was craft mac-n-cheese! The other night I got a garden burger and caesar salad. I felt like I was going to explode. I got all strapped in for my monitoring sessions. Babies were not cooperating. They finally got on and I got this wave of nausea and needed to unstrap and run to the toilet. Spent a lot of the night getting sick! I have had visitors bring me food and my parents flew in this weekend. So hoping my mom can bring me some home cooked meals.

Other big news... we made it to 28 week mark! This is the first big milestone. It is the first time statistically that babies survival is more in their favor than less. We are hopefully out of the extreme prematurity territory if they need to come out. Of course everyday they bake in there is best and we are still praying for them to stay in there until at least early April. I remember back at 23 weeks when our MFM first diagnosed the sIURG and saw the intermittent absent diastolic flow. She said she would bring in Magaritas IF we got to 28. no margaritas ( actually got a glucose test that day - which is like drinking the syrup of a margarita) So it is a relief to be at 28 weeks 3 days today. Things are looking stable so hopefully they will just keep baking and growing and developing. Thanks for all your support! We have several prayer groups praying for our babies and even got a buddhist prayer wheel prayer sent out. Seems to be working!

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